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Marg Business Transformation’s Innovative HR Solutions

Marg Business Transformation’s Innovative HR Solutions

Innovative HR Business Solutions that Empower Organizations

Businesses never stop looking for new and creative ways to stay ahead of the curve. Marg emerges as a prospective contender ready to transform the consulting industry by providing the best solutions to enhance the overall business operations of modern enterprises.

This business has established a reputation for being a reliable partner in promoting organizational excellence and enacting significant change, earning praise from all over the nation. The entire story is based on an interview with Sudeshna Basu Roy, the company’s CEO and founder.

She founded Marg with the intention of providing those in desperate need of pertinent solutions for business growth with her vast expertise and experience gained from working in the consulting field. Let’s explore the assortment of insightful tidbits that Sudeshna offered during our private conversation.

The flame

Marg has over 16 years of experience and is a well-known figure in the field. It is providing customized solutions to a wide range of sectors encompassing 28 industries in this amazing journey.

This market presence stems from a thorough comprehension of the nuances of the business, the specific demands of each department, and the overall objective of offering pertinent solutions that satisfy the expectations of the client. Their ability to personalize products, which guarantees that each solution is precisely tailored to fit certain corporate objectives and payment preferences, highlights this expertise.

Marg is a unique name in and of itself. Sudeshna revealed her own narrative in response to an inquiry concerning the origin of this moniker. Her adored daughter’s birth was a turning point in her life, and that’s how it all started. This happy occasion gave me a renewed feeling of direction and purpose. Sudeshna eventually thought about her entrepreneurial adventure after the birth of her baby.

The word “Marg” means route or direction in Hindi. According to Sudeshna, it sums up the company’s guiding concept, which is a dedication to pursuing commercial endeavors with purpose, clarity, and tenacity. Her enthusiasm for starting a company is driven by her vision, her passion, and her deep relationships.

The business overview

Marg is a reputable business-to-business (B2B) provider of coaching, consulting, and training services. The company primarily demonstrates its strengths in all-inclusive learning solutions. Marg offers excellent training programs in important verticals including finance training, change management, and leadership development for managers at all levels, with a primary goal of improving organizational performance.

Marg’s core product, change management solutions, offers consultation, training, and certification services. In the Indian subcontinent, Marg is Prosci’s authorized affiliate. They make use of the ADKAR process.

ProSci, the world leader in change management solutions, offers certification programs that greatly exceed the expectations of their clients. Through this partnership, Marg’s clients will be provided with state-of-the-art tactics and resources to successfully manage and carry out organizational change efforts.

Additionally, Marg is recognized for its proficiency in Emergenetics, a field highly regarded for its method of workforce profiling. It explores personal thought processes and behavioral inclinations. With this accreditation, Marg is able to create training and coaching plans that are specifically tailored to the distinct personalities and cognitive types of the teams that it works with, which improves teamwork, output, and job satisfaction.

Marg also does a fantastic job leading cultural transformation projects by utilizing Human Synergistics’ tried-and-true techniques. Marg helps businesses achieve long-lasting culture improvements that boost engagement, performance, and overall success by concentrating on cultural dynamics and encouraging positive organizational behaviors.

What distinguishes Marg in the marketplace?

Marg’s outstanding team and customer experience are the core of their unique selling propositions (USPs). Marg makes sure that every interaction is professional and upholds their high standards, which they refer to as the “Marg standard,” from the first contact with the business development managers to the training sessions led by knowledgeable trainers and the smooth coordination by the operations team.

Customers frequently commend Marg for providing an unmatched experience from beginning to end, underscoring the business’s dedication to putting the needs of its clients first at every stage of the procedure. Key elements that distinguish Marg and support their success in the market are their commitment to quality and recognition as having the greatest staff in the business.

An example case study

Sudeshna and her Marg team collaborated with a major industry player to resolve a significant management challenge. However, this time the company’s emphasis was on a thorough assessment meant to identify fundamental problems within the client’s business rather than on customary management training. Thanks to diagnostic assessments of the culture, it was determined that managers’ unclear roles were a recurrent issue that was impairing employee satisfaction and performance.

Marg was more interested in identifying the fundamental causes of management deficiencies than only treating the symptom of them with training initiatives. Because of her commitment, it was also discovered that the company’s competency profiling and job descriptions lacked clarity. And among managers and their teams, this one mistake caused a significant lot of uncertainty and unhappiness.

Marg participated in the organization’s collective knowledge of the problem after addressing and resolving this root cause. The business was able to move forward with its effective cultural change. The group was coordinating in accordance with job descriptions, company culture, and leadership styles in order to foster increased efficacy and clarity at all levels.

The team’s ability to go beyond superficial symptoms and tackle underlying issues in order to bring about significant transformation and enhance organizational performance is genuinely impressive.

Consistent with market trends: Marg’s operating strategy depends on maintaining a lead over the market. Their business strategy is based on research, and they work with ProSci to continuously update and renew their knowledge base every two years. The effectiveness of this study guarantees that the business will always be aware of the changing dynamics and causes of organizational change.

In the wake of global shifts like the pandemic, the reasons driving organizational change have undergone significant transformation. Marg recognizes the importance of understanding the day-to-day challenges faced by organizations and individuals in various sectors, such as the impact of emerging technologies like AI, changing economic scenarios, and sector-specific challenges like those faced by aviation, hospitality, and retail industries.Following pandemics and other worldwide upheavals, the motivations behind organizational change have changed dramatically. Marg understands how critical it is to comprehend the day-to-day struggles that businesses and individuals across a range of industries face, including the effects of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), shifting economic conditions, and industry-specific difficulties like those encountered by the retail, hospitality, and aviation sectors.

Marg remains up to date on macroeconomic trends, industry changes, and the changing issues that various sectors confront by constantly seeking out information and having their “ears and eyes open” to industry developments.

With this thorough insight, they can customize solutions to meet the unique requirements and pain areas of their clients, guaranteeing efficacy and relevance in a business environment that is constantly evolving.

Marg remains up to date on macroeconomic trends, industry changes, and the changing issues that various sectors confront by constantly seeking out information and having their “ears and eyes open” to industry developments.

With this thorough insight, they can customize solutions to meet the unique requirements and pain areas of their clients, guaranteeing efficacy and relevance in a business environment that is constantly evolving.

Perspectives on female entrepreneurship

Sudeshna is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur who is passionate about talking about women’s entrepreneurship in the modern business environment. Though women constitute up half of humanity, she is also concerned that despite the incredible development, they still struggle to obtain equal leadership roles.

In her opinion, companies should treat their employees as human resources, regardless of gender, in order to foster inclusive work cultures that benefit everybody. She went on to say that women’s professional development is frequently hampered by family obligations, and that female leaders must work together to overcome these obstacles.

She sees an equal sharing of responsibilities between men and women at work and at home in the future. She also wants to do away with the requirement to classify success according to gender. As a result, she stresses that in order to identify leaders in an efficient way, competencies should be prioritized over gender.

The motto of leadership

When asked what her leadership motto is, Sudeshna says that a real leader is someone who not only gets the organization’s goals and progress accomplished, but also inspires and enables others to carry them out. She makes a point of saying that strong leaders are ones who help other leaders in the organization grow and succeed.

In founder-driven businesses like Marg, the founders’ abilities are frequently correlated with leadership quality, which can occasionally restrict the organization’s ability to grow.

Sudeshna is happy to see that at Marg, the next generation of leaders is well-developed, with members displaying traits and behaviors that are comparable to those of the founders. It is believed that ongoing success and growth depend heavily on this emphasis on developing leadership at all levels.

Growth over geography

According to Sudeshna’s post, Marg is prepared to broaden the scope of its offerings by going deeper into assessments, problem statement identification, solutioning, and deployment. In the upcoming years, the company would significantly increase its consulting goals under her direction. The efforts would be concentrated in areas like cultural transformation and change management.

Providing end-to-end answers, from identifying problems through diagnostics and assessments to putting solutions into practice and launching comprehensive plans, will be the main alignment of the futuristic operations. Marg wants to improve its consulting services in order to meet the changing demands of companies going through changes and looking for help with the people-side of those changes.

Marg’s Trainers is an all-Indian company with its headquarters located in Bangalore and an office branch in New Delhi. They planned to further solidify their position throughout India in the upcoming years. utilizing cutting-edge technology to adjust to the trends of both in-person and virtual products.

Furthermore, Marg is creating customized programs for important positions including head of staffs, HR business partners (HRBPs), non-financial professionals that require financial knowledge, and auditors for fintech. Sudeshna is also developing a plan for strategically growing its business to enter markets in Qatar and Mexico. She noted that by focusing on these markets, they want to have an ongoing influence and growth in the consulting industry.

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